
What causes wrinkles and how do you treat them?


In my line of work, you meet people every day that are ready to wage a battle against time and aging. We all want to look in reality, how we look in our mind, which is almost always a younger version of ourselves. Often the biggest culprit in revealing our age are wrinkles. So, the [...]

What causes wrinkles and how do you treat them?2021-04-28T11:53:07-04:00

What is Rosacea and how can it be treated?


Since April is Rosacea awareness month, let’s discuss a condition that affects over 14 million individuals in the US. Rosacea is a chronic inflammatory skin condition where people blush or flush more easily than others. Redness usually occurs on the cheeks, nose, forehead or chin. In addition to redness, people can sometimes develop acne-like breakouts [...]

What is Rosacea and how can it be treated?2021-04-14T13:51:44-04:00

If I get fillers, do I need to keep getting them?


One of the most common questions my patients ask about out fillers is: once I start, do I have to keep going…or else? The short answer is no. There is no catastrophic event that happens if you chose to never do fillers again. From the moment fillers are placed under your skin, your body starts [...]

If I get fillers, do I need to keep getting them?2021-04-02T09:53:09-04:00
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