
The quick way to glowing skin


As a dermatologist, one thing that I need to have every day is glowing skin.   While a solid skin care regimen is a crucial part (see previous post), the use of makeup to boost my baseline glow is helpful.  However, as a busy mom of two, my morning makeup routine usually consists of simultaneously applying makeup [...]

The quick way to glowing skin2018-07-31T10:46:09-04:00

Anti-Aging 101


It feels like it happens overnight.  One day you look in the mirror and (gasp!) you notice brown spots, fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin.  While it often feels like an overnight process, skin aging is really a gradual process that begins the first time your skin is exposed to the sun.  Also, there is [...]

Anti-Aging 1012018-09-17T11:00:17-04:00

Transition your skin from winter to spring


(This post was originally published by Jaunt Accessories and can be found here.) It seems like winter will never end. If you’re like me, you are already thinking about spring and maybe even that Caribbean vacation you have planned.  But along with sunny days and warmer temperatures, comes less clothing that more exposed skin - the [...]

Transition your skin from winter to spring2018-09-17T11:01:48-04:00



Welcome to my blog!  I am a working dermatologist in Rhode Island and a mom of two wonderfully busy kids.  On a daily basis, I give skin care and sun protection advice to my wonderful patients who range in age from infants to centenarians.  I have found that what truly makes me happy is educating people [...]

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