
Sunburn art: a trend to avoid this summer


Angela Walker, MD It’s a trend that has left us dermatologists cringing.  Despite a clear message, “reduce sunburns by using sun protection,” the latest summer craze has individuals now purposefully burning their skin to create fast skin art. Using lacy clothing or creative cut-out patterns, a sunburn creates the negative image while protected skin remains [...]

Sunburn art: a trend to avoid this summer2018-09-17T10:57:13-04:00

Sunscreen Shopping Guide: Part 2


One of the toughest questions I get asked during the summer months is: what sunscreen do you recommend?  Why is this a tough question?  First, because it requires not only a lengthy discussion of the different types of sunscreen ingredients available in the US right now, but also because it varies by a number of [...]

Sunscreen Shopping Guide: Part 22018-09-17T10:58:07-04:00

Sunscreen Shopping Guide: Part 1


While most of my patients are skin cancer survivors and have learned the hard way why sunscreen is so important, many others have a hard time understanding why sunscreen is even needed.  In this three part series, I explain why we need sunscreen, how to choose the right one, and how to apply it correctly. [...]

Sunscreen Shopping Guide: Part 12018-09-17T10:58:47-04:00
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